This compilation of information and resources is meant to assist you as you prepare your congregation or ministry team to reach the growing ethnic/international population in Cleveland and Bradley County with the Gospel. This is only a very small sample of resources available through NAMB, various other missions organizations, and through various other internet sources.

NOTE: Please understand that, in order to make the material manageable, generalizations have to be made to give you a general understanding of the basic beliefs or characteristics of a certain ethnic or religious group. That means that specific information will not apply in all cases to all individuals you may meet from a certain group.  You must work to establish relationships with the individuals you meet and get to know their personal background history and beliefs before you can effectively reach them with the Gospel.

Prepare Your Church

Time Share Your Church

The Church: Kingdom Focused

The Theology of Multi-Ethnic Church

Pastor Empowers Team-Lead Multi-Ethnic Ministry

Why We Believe in Multi-Ethnic Ministry

Mentoring: A Person to Person Ethnic Ministry

Harder than Anyone Can Imagine

Ideas for Ethnic Ministries

Ideas for possible /programs/ events/ministries

How I Do What I Do: After-School Programs

Conversational English classes as a Mission Outreach Tool

Evangelistic Bible Study

Core Bible Stories for Evangelism Track

Evangelistic Lessons from the Gospel of John

Hispanic People

Know your Neighbors: Hispanics in the US

Understanding Hispanic Culture

Understanding Hispanic Leaders in North America

Names in Spanish

Computer Codes for Accents and “Odd” Letters

Hispanic American Diversity of Languages

Quinceañera 101

Mexican Independence Day vs. Cinco de Mayo

Slavic People

Reaching Ukrainians

How to reach 5 million Russian-Americans for Christ

Understanding the Slavic Religious Background

Slavic Names

Conversation with a Former Missionary to Ukraine

Catholics and Catholicism

Practical Suggestions When Witnessing to Catholics

Understanding Catholic Concepts

Muslims and Islam

Witnessing to Muslims, I (American author: The Center for Global Ministries)

Witnessing to Muslims, II (Arab author: Arabs for Christ)

As a Christian woman, how can I develop friendships with Muslim women?

Witnessing to Muslims, III (American authors: Christian Research Institute)

Hindus and Hinduism

Hinduism (from Wikipedia)

About Hinduism

Summary of Hinduism Beliefs

Comparison of Beliefs

Pointers for Witnessing to Hindus

Witnessing to Hindus

Other Religious Beliefs

Basic Beliefs of Various Religious Faiths

Rabbit’s Foot Religion: Orthodox Church

Immigrants and Immigration

America is Immigration

Why Don’t They Just Get In Line? The Real Story of Getting a “Green Card” and Coming to the U.S. Legally

At Tax Time, Illegal Immigrants are Paying Too

Illegal Immigrants are Bolstering Social Security with Billions


‘Merry Christmas’ in Many Languages

Games from Around the World


CultureGrams – – CultureGrams are concise, reliable, and up-to-date reports on more than 200 countries, each U.S. state, and all 13 Canadian provinces and territories. They go beyond mere facts and figures to deliver an insider’s perspective on daily life and culture, including the history, customs, and lifestyles of the world’s people. Two versions are available:

CultureGrams Online Database – Ideal for schools, libraries, and organizations, the CultureGrams Online Database includes our World, Kids, States, and Provinces editions, plus a worldwide photo gallery, unlimited printing rights, and much more. Material is presented in an engaging interface that users can access anytime, anywhere.

Individual Reports – Writing a paper or conducting country-specific research? All World Edition reports are sold individually as PDF downloads. Each four-page report, written at a high school level, offers an affordable, in-depth view of a single country. All Kids and States reports, written for upper-elementary grades, are also available as PDF downloads.