Did you know that a study by Lifeway Research revealed that 90% of pastors are stressed about money? [1] And that was in 2015! We've experienced so much since then, but I wouldn't be surprised if that number is still the same.

Let's be honest, for some, this is an every month struggle. I've been there. As the old adage goes, "if I was doing this for the money, I would have chosen a different career." And this is where someone steps in and says, "God has always been faithful to provide." True, but surely our heavenly Father doesn't want us stressed and stretched to point that it affects our marriages and ministries.

God has placed a burden in my heart to help people win with money. To teach them biblical principles of stewardship and how to live with generous hearts and hands. I want to help my fellow pastors in the same way.

You may have received an email in January from the TBMB concerning Ramsey Solutions free offer of Financial Peace University specifically geared to pastors. If you didn't, I would encourage you find out more. [2] If you want a more personal, one-on-one experience, you can schedule a consultation with me to see if financial coaching is a fit for you. I am a Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach (that's a mouthful) but, first and foremost, I am a pastor in the trenches with you.

Contact information:

Eric Atkins
(423) 920-9099

To schedule a no obligation consultation: https://calendly.com/j_ericatkins/30min

[1] Lifeway Research, 2015 https://www.nae.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/NAE-Grey-Matter-Pastor-Study-Report_July-2015.pdf

[2] https://www.ramseysolutions.com/ramseyplus/organization/pastors